It broke our hearts when we looked at the category breakdowns in this year’s My Cinema (and My TV, for that matter) Awards and realized that Mark Duplass wouldn’t win anything.He’d barely missed out on being nominated in the Best Actor in a Drama category for his superb improvised performance in Your Sister’s Sister and […]

Season Ranking: #3 Every time I’ve reviewed Moya O’Connell in the past, I’ve made some mention of how beautiful she is. The reason I do that is two fold: 1- The major roles in question were Maggie the Cat and Hedda Gabler, characters whose beauty is talked a lot about in their respective plays; so […]

Continuing our 2012 Emerging Artist Awards over into My TV, this recipient- at 35- is a fair bit older than the others (the My Cinema Emerging Artist was 14 when he made the movie!) but we’re pretty sure he counts as Emerging because 2012 saw him go from “that guy you sorta might recognize from […]

Last year we introduced the My Theatre Emerging Artist Award to our season. This year we’ve extended it to become a part of the My TV and My Cinema Awards as well. Here’s where we honour someone who made our radar in a big way for the first time during the 2012 season (I know, […]

No actor in the history of television has been a part of so many great shows as this year’s My TV Honorary Award winner. We honestly believe that to be true. He’s a three-time My TV Award nominee and has been churning out memorable television performances for 20 years on no fewer than 5 of […]


People really like to call Aaron Sorkin sexist. Now, I’ve shared on many occasions my firm belief that his often weakly drawn female characters have entirely more to do with his inability to understand women than any honest belief that we are inferior (man’s got no game, I feel pretty strongly that his writing shows […]

In Ancient Greece the art of acting was cultivated and respected among the people who always took it to another level. From the famous Amphitheatre to the halls of Kings the raw talent that was displayed was awe inspiring. That same element lives in the hearts of select actor and actress’ vying for an opportunity […]

There have been many actors who have tried to muster and maintain the true essence of a gangster. Some that come to mind are Robert DeNiro, Chazz Palminteri, James Cagney, Al Pacino, James Caan and Joe Pesci. But there is one in particular who is not mentioned as much but who truly captures the aura […]