Kelly Bedard

Aaron Sorkin’s Newsroom is not exactly popular with people who talk about television- most are bugged by the hyperstylized idealism, the show’s nostalgic insistence, and Sorkin’s own contentious personality. But among the honest-to-god Sorkin fans who populate my life, This was more the feeling after the pilot episode last week (and I quote): “I think […]

  Rachael Nisenkier

In the interest of full disclosure, I should probably admit that I feel a greater connection with the characters on Girls than I probably have with any characters since Freaks and Geeks. I should probably also admit that this connection is a double edged sword, given how often people like to casually toss off the […]

  Kelly Bedard

My expectations could not have been higher for The Newsroom. From A Few Good Men to Sports Night, The West Wing, The Social Network, all the way to The Farnsworth Invention, Aaron Sorkin has written almost everything I love. There is literally no writer like him in the history of English-language art (I mean it, […]

  Kelly Bedard

Full Disclosure: I’m a West Wing-raised political idealist. I believe in the determination to do good and the advancement of the smart kids. So I found Veep kind of depressing. It’s a behind-the-scenes story of a non-partisan Vice President (aka primary loser) whose staff is as useless and self-obsessed as she is. Come on, people, […]

  Rachael Nisenkier once had an article called “5 Ways We Ruined the Occupy Wall Street Generation”, written by a member of Gen X. The article explained the myriad of ways that Gen X and their Baby Boomer forefathers first ruined my generation and then complained when we turned out exactly the way they raised us. It’s a […]

  Kelly Bedard

In the “About You” section of my facebook page, under “Religion” it says “Aaron Sorkin”. See, when I first discovered Sports Night (Sorkin’s first TV series) I found, for the first time in my life, characters who spoke my language. They’re quick, silly, intense and self-awarely cheesy and it was Aaron Sorkin who created them. […]