18 results found.

It’s that time of year again, Bachelor Scale Time! As most of you know, I love me some Bachelorette, and I mostly love me some Bachelorette Bachelor Scale (because what is more fun than ranking men based on their perceived acceptability as told through a highly controlled reality show?!). The best time to do this […]


Last year, Ashley I(aconetti) won our  award for Outstanding Female Reality TV Star and, when she did, I wrote the following: “She’s a refreshingly frank, sneakily smart, consistently funny person who makes the audience feel like a friend and, in return, we just want her to be happy”. In 2016, when he was on The […]

The Bachelorette is here! The 2 Bachelorettes nonsense is out of the way, the season’s big surprise addition has joined the ranks (Nick Viall, more on him in a moment) and the series premiere of Lifetime’s new drama UnREAL has me keen to write about my second favourite summer show (after Big Brother, of course) […]


The self-aware absurdity of Bachelor in Paradise has come to an end, Project Runway is in full bitchy swing, the Big Brother editors are still trying to locate a villain in their most likeable cast ever, Survivor’s new season is quickly approaching. So now seems as good a time as any to philosophize on a topic […]

UPDATE: Tonight’s Bachelorette finale was, as Chris Harrison has been promising all season, a doozy. I was not expecting that. For one thing, when Chris Harrison says something is “the most dramatic ever”, it’s hardly ever true because he says it so damn often. But, really, the reason I didn’t believe this week would at […]

Ladies and Gentlemen, today is Monday. An early summer Monday. That means one thing- It Is Bachelorette Day! For some unholy reason, I look very very much forward to Bachelorette day. Please suppress your groans. The annual My TV Bachelor Scale is one of my favourite articles of the year. Sure, the Award Nominee Interview […]

Thank You Constantine

My Dearest Constantine, A few weeks back, when I made my bachelor scale, you ranked in the top 3 even though you’d had almost no screen time. But the scale is a measure of MY favourites, not who should be with Ashley (as evidenced by Ben being quite far down the list when he was […]


It’s that time again, when the season of The Bachelorette is just starting to get good and I’m starting to get jealous and fall for a ridiculous band of reality TV stars and their manufactured romance. So, in keeping with a tradition 3 years running, I present to you this year’s Bachelor Scale. Now, the […]