Rachael Nisenkier

As a show, Weeds has always kind of existed within its own little airtight moral vacuum. Sure, we, as the audience, could, like Nancy, often justify her early decisions, but as more time passed, Nancy’s behaviour grew more and more erratic and motivated by fear and selfishness. For most of the show, Conrad remained the […]

  Rachael Nisenkier

I’ve decided to do my first blog post as an addendum to Kelly’s earlier Crush list, because there’s some tv-shows that even the great Ms. Kelly hasn’t gotten into and I think there are certainly dream-worthy boys deserve some crushing-love. So without further ado, my TV Crushes (in no particular order): First and foremost, one […]

  Kelly Bedard

Contrary to popular opinion, I am, at times, fallible. One of these failures occurred a couple hours ago when I posted a list of my favourite TV opening credit sequences and failed to include one show that features an opening credit sequence that is both original and always entertaining. Weeds‘ theme song varies every week. […]

  Kelly Bedard

Once upon a time there was a multitude of great television encapsulated into succinct 23 minute installments. This was when sitcoms ruled the airways… not in syndication. My TV obsession came in the age of FRIENDS, Will & Grace, Frasier, Sex and the City, That 70s Show and Seinfeld. These days there are only 3 […]