These are crazy times and we’ve all taken on a bunch of new projects as we socially isolate in order to help stop the spread of Covid-19.   We’re donating where we can, we’re cleaning the pantry, we’re organizing the 2300+ title dvd library. We finished work on the Nominee Interview Series even though the live event for our […]

Ask the average American under 40 what they know about President Lyndon B. Johnson and they will likely do one of two things: (1) stare at you blankly or (2) start mumbling about JFK’s assassination. Despite having a political science degree and twenty years of U.S.-based education, I know very little about President Johnson.  Don’t […]


When an actor leaves a long-running TV series before its natural conclusion, it’s generally not a good thing. Sure, there are some series so long-lived that turnover is not only inevitable but necessary (while it’s key that Grey’s Anatomy has held on to McDreamy, where would we be if George never left and Jackson never […]

I re-wrote this review three times, which is never a good sign. Do not get me wrong. Sharr White’s new play The Snow Geese is not bad per se, it just left me feeling incredibly nonplussed. Set during the first World War, Snow Geese is a story about adaptation, perception and pretense – it thrusts […]

The second season of HBO’s loved and loathed Aaron Sorkin drama The Newsroom begins with a toned-down, piano-heavy version of last year’s rousing theme song. Instead of the reverent images of broadcast icons that accompanied last year’s intro, this year we have a slightly more abstract portrait of modern life in the trenches of Atlantis […]

There’s not a lot that needs to be said about this, the best Video of the Week (day? how often am I supposed to do this feature again?) Ever! Basically, actress Mary McCormack (you remember her, the military gal who somehow ended up with Will Bailey) has a sister (Bridget Mary McCormack) in politics who […]


Andy’s rousing campaign ditty has been stuck in my head since I watched Thursday’s truly phenomenal episode of Parks & Recreation, and probably will continue to be stuck there for many hours to come. I know, I know, I’m getting repetitive with my exuberant love of this show, but it’s gotten to that point where […]

The Ultimate TV Icon Matchup

30 Rock this week.   Aaron Sorkin and Tina Fey (Liz Lemon) sit at a conference table waiting for interview with Nick Lachey to work on the NBC reality competition show The Sing Off.   Sorkin: You here for the Sing Off gig? Fey: Yeah, do I know you? Sorkin: You know my work. Walk […]