Theresa Perkins

Ah, the perennial holiday variety special. They just do not make Christmahanakwanzika specials like they use to – praise be to the great and powerful television executives! For those of you shaking your head as you fondly recall the holiday specials from your past, let’s assess that sentiment, shall we? The holiday variety specials of […]

Before we announce the winners of the 2012 My Theatre Awards, we’re proud to present our annual Nominee Interview Series. One of Canada’s greatest sketch comedy troupes…

  Matt Dodge

“It’s a crack house… so it’s quiet”. Comedy Central is really on a roll this year. After using the return of the popular (and hilarious) Key and Peele as a catalyst, the network has been steadily rolling out their new spring programs, with two new shows premiering back to back at the end of February. […]

  Kelly Bedard

I have no idea what is going on at the Panasonic right now. It’s a bafflingly weird 90s-era one-woman comedy show, I guess. But, like, Super Canadian without any of the kind-clean-generous-welcoming-diverse-unassuming-forward thinking traits that make us awesome. Mary Walsh is one of those people- and there are startling number of them- whom I’m told […]

  Matt Dodge

We’re in a comedy boom right now. Louis CK has helped to bring standup to a level of prominence not seen since the late 80’s, podcasts and websites like FunnyOrDie and Collegehumor have given huge levels of exposure to many comedians, and sketch comedy has seen a revival both online and in television. Comedy Central […]

  Kelly Bedard

Say you’ve just started dating this really fun new person. You like them, you want them to think you’re fun and interesting and connected to all the cool things there are to do in the greatest city in the world- Toronto, obviously- but you’ve already taken them to Snakes & Lattes and now you’re out […]

  Kelly Bedard

Here’s the spiel: “You don’t have to be a history buff to get into Bad Dog’s newest and most scandalous comedy: Hogtown Empire. Director Peter Stevens has selected an alluring and savvy cast of Toronto’s quickest comedic performers to take you back to our city’s dark days of origin. For a serialized run of 5 Wednesdays […]

  Kelly Bedard

Before we announce the winners of the 2011 My Theatre Awards, we’re proud to present the My Theatre Nominee Interview Series. 2011’s The Wizard of Oz was the best production in years from the Toronto tradition that is the Ross Petty Holiday Pantomime. Amongst the fabulous cast was Canadian comedian Jessica Holmes playing a well-intentioned […]