Kelly Bedard

Click Here to read all our reviews from Toronto Fringe 2024.    Crosstown (A) A debut work written and performed by the much celebrated Anand Rajaram is a big deal for the Fringe and the quality of this production lives up to that expectation. The simple staging and on-book performance suggest this is still a work in […]

  Kelly Bedard

Click Here to read all our reviews from Toronto Fringe 2024.    Gringas (A-) Funny, thoughtful, and executed with precision and passion, this ensemble work about a group of young Latinas sent to a Muskoka camp to work on their Spanish is one of the Fringe’s strongest new plays. No one works harder than teenage theatre […]

Don Giovanni (Canadian Opera Company at the Four Seasons Centre) The COC’s new production of Don Giovanni replaces a much more casual, modern version that I loved but few others seemed to. In its place is a more conventional take with period costumes and the hulking cube set from Fidelio repurposed with doors in place […]

  Kelly Bedard

Chaos Menu: Disorder Up! (The Second City) The latest revue from Toronto’s Second City brings in four very strong new cast members to join returnees PHATT Al and Andy Assaf in a very silly crowd pleaser of a show at the comedy giant’s fabulous new space. I’m that weirdo who likes a little sadness in […]

  Kelly Bedard

Click Here to read the rest of our reviews from Toronto Fringe 2023.    Our Little Secret: The 23&Me Musical (A) This solo musical tells the true story of Noam Tomaschoff’s discovery that his parents used a sperm donor and he has 35 secret siblings. It’s an amazing story almost too wild to believe but Tomaschoff’s […]

  Mark Kreder

Click Here to read the rest of our reviews from Toronto Fringe 2023.    Morning After (A) *Trigger Warning- Morning After deals with sexual assault. Morning After is a tour de force. It is akin to the moment hot metal touches cold water, spluttering and hissing before settling to a stillness. The ensemble takes hold of […]

  Dom Harvey

Click Here to read the rest of our reviews from Toronto Fringe 2023.    The Family Crow: A Murder Mystery (A) Adam Francis Proulx and The Pucking Fuppet Co. have spread their wings for a pun-drenched whodunnit that stands out as a clever and entertaining highlight of this year’s Fringe. The central figure in this saga […]

  Dom Harvey

Click Here to read the rest of our reviews from Toronto Fringe 2023.    Frankenstein(esque) (A) Many reimaginings of an iconic work coast on the original’s charm while their own contribution droops off the text, just happy to be there. Silent Protagonist Theatre’s Frankenstein(esque) is a worthy homage to Mary Shelley’s classic but also so much […]