Peter Lowry

Here we have two General Managers: Bryan Colangelo for the Toronto Raptors and Brian Burke of the Toronto Maple Leafs. Both GMs are going to be pressured to make a big splash in the off season to push their respective teams closer to being a contender rather than the pretenders they’ve been for the past […]

  Kelly Bedard

This is where My Entertainment World synergy comes in handy. Our most recent Sports Superstar of the Week (My Sports) is the subject of the latest 10-minute-musical from Stratford Shakespeare Festival company member Kevin Yee (My Theatre). Thus, dear MyEntWorld reader, you should enjoy this:

  Kelly Bedard

If you haven’t heard of the Knicks’ new superstar by now you clearly haven’t been paying much attention. The 23-year-old undrafted Harvard grad (3.1 GPA in Economics, by the way) has taken the world by storm in a way that no sports star has since, I don’t know, Tiger Woods maybe? Maybe Tebow, I guess, […]

The Lebron saga has been hashed, rehashed, debated, analyzed so much that I almost feel bad adding to the endless space on the internet already devoted to the subject. This is way past beating a dead horse; it’s been beaten to death and then beaten again until the corpse is mutilated beyond recognition. But that […]

  Chris Behmke

If you’re a basketball fan, or even a sports fan (which I’m assuming you would be, since this is a sports-related blog) you’re aware that this summer’s class of NBA free agents is considered by many the most talented in the history of the league. This abnormal concentration of talent through free agency has given […]