Kelly Bedard

Click Here to read all our reviews from Toronto Fringe 2024.    Gringas (A-) Funny, thoughtful, and executed with precision and passion, this ensemble work about a group of young Latinas sent to a Muskoka camp to work on their Spanish is one of the Fringe’s strongest new plays. No one works harder than teenage theatre […]

  Anwar Ragep

Spoiler Alert: Puffs, Or: Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic is a parody of Harry Potter. If you have avoided learning the major plot details of Harry Potter, congratulations, you are like a unicorn who made it to December 25 without hearing any Christmas music! Be aware that this […]

  Adam Mcdonnell

An enjoyable evening of roasting the current crop of West End shows, Jest End is amusing, loud, well executed—if not slightly under-polished at times—and a whole load of fun for anyone who is up to speed with London’s musical theatre. The structure is simple: take the music of any song from a West End show […]

  Kelly Bedard

I’m drawing the line. The Toronto theatre community is big and getting bigger and the My Theatre staff is small (also getting bigger, but still small). It’s impossible to cover everything so, if we’ve given a particular company bad review after bad review, the only thing I can think to do is scratch them off […]

  Lisa McKeown

Click Here for the Full List of our 2015 Toronto Fringe Reviews Adventures of a Redheaded Coffee Shop Girl (A-) Adventures of a Redheaded Coffee Shop Girl is a follow-up to last year’s Confessions of a Redheaded Coffee Shop Girl, both written and performed by Rebecca Perry. I didn’t see Confessions last year, but I got […]

  Jon Richards

Seeing that I was in a festive upbeat mood, it being my birthday and all, I decided to forget how many figurative candles were on my cake and I took my somewhat conservative wife and theater-savvy teen daughter to see Avenue Q at Arlington Friends of the Drama (“AFD”) Theatre. We were treated to a […]

  Kelly Bedard

Be sure to check out Part 1, Part 2 and our Full Listing of SummerWorks 2014 reviews. New This Year: The My Theatre Favourite Discount  If your Fringe or SummerWorks show scores an A+ or A, you can cash in on that goodwill with a 50% discount on advertising your next show on My Entertainment World. If you scored an A- […]

  Kelly Bedard

Be sure to check out Part 2, Part 3 and our Full Listing of SummerWorks 2014 reviews. New This Year: The My Theatre Favourite Discount  If your Fringe or SummerWorks show scores an A+ or A, you can cash in on that goodwill with a 50% discount on advertising your next show on My Entertainment World. If you scored an A- […]