My current Torontonian obsession is a geek-chic café just west of Bathurst on Bloor called Snakes & Lattes. The wildly popular destination is pretty much exactly what it sounds like- a board game café. If you’re lucky enough to get a table (or smart enough to call the day before to get yourself on the […]


I recently said that some older games have not withstood the test of time very well. Abobo’s Big Adventure has shown us that fan tributes to older games are still alive, kicking, and knocking the heads off random passerby and eating them. Abobo’s Big Adventure is a flash game made by taking the different scenarios […]


The Holidays are upon us and that means family and family means finding some way to keep ourselves busy so we don’t a) die of boredom during the awkward silences or b) say something incriminating and inflammatory during the gaps between the awkward silences. Thank the Maker we have handheld gaming devices that we pretend […]

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. A phrase that’s very representative of the gaming industry. Pokémon, Call of Duty, Megaman, Final Fantasy, Battlefield, Dragonquest, the list goes on, and across all platforms and media. All of these games have spawned innumerable sequels and spinoffs, oftentimes retaining more or less the same game formula, and […]


A lot of things can spark our memories; smells, textures, songs, pictures, and even taste. It’s like a small time capsule exploding in your face, bringing old memories rushing back to the surface, both good and bad. When I played Sonic Generations, it felt as if I had jumped 19 years back into the past […]


When I was a kid, I used to love watching Blade Runner on my old VHS player. I’d come home from school, work on a Gundam model, and immerse myself in 2 hours of sci-fi bliss. The dystopian noir future of mankind was bleak, but hey, it had Harrison Ford, which was enough for me. […]


I’m not a massive computer gamer. I remember some good times with “Castle Explorer” and “Muppet Treasure Island” back on my Windows ’95 PC and the old commodore 64 had this great brainteaser thing I don’t remember the name of. But when it comes to the modern stuff, I’ve pretty much given it up. That […]

Welcome Gamers

Welcome to My Games, the newest branch in My Entertainment World (our 7th!), a place for news, reviews and editorials about the latest in the gaming world- from the latest in video gaming systems to online adventures to oldschool boardgames. Now I’ll pass the baton over to Tom Farndon, our head writer for My Games.