Beth McNeil

Is it ever okay to tell a rape joke? To laugh at a rape joke? A new comedy show entitled “Rape is Real and Everywhere” is touring across the country, confronting what we believe about rape, rapists, and human decency in general. Billed as a “show about rape, as joked about by survivors”, it does […]

  Beth McNeil

Living in a post-Rob Ford era, you could be forgiven for thinking that all the jokes about Canadians can and have been made. But what Second City does, they do very well – injecting new life and hilarity into jabs at Trudeaumania, Tim Hortons, and Drake. Indeed, The Hotline Always Blings Twice showcases some of […]

For anyone seeking reassurance that opera still has a place in the modern world, Maometto II is an excellent place to start. Directed by David Alden, the COC’s current production (onstage until May 14th) blends dramatic tension and modern themes to create an utterly compelling performance that is difficult to tear yourself away from. Luca […]