You walk into the theatre. Plastic covers the walls on the stage. At first you don’t notice, but after a while you start see something projected there.  A ribcage?  “This isn’t your regular programing,” actor Cliff Cardinal tells us, as he walks on stage with a plastic bag duct taped over his head. “It takes […]

“What a strange thing it is, that whereas other gods have poems and hymns made in their honour, the great and glorious god, Love, has no such encomiast among all the poets who are so many… we who are assembled cannot do better than honour the god Love” These are the words of Phaedrus, in […]

Virtual Stage’s Broken Sex Doll, which opened this past Friday with Magnectic North in Halifax, was a little bit like a bad one-night stand: awkward, no heart, and way too long. Sure, the one-night stand sometimes looks good. They can sometimes even dance and sing real good. But when you get right down to the […]


“What I love about dogs,” Denise Clarke mummers as she begins imitating a dog’s slow building tail-wag, “is that they can’t hide their emotions.” Despite the audience’s noticeable lack of tails, we all had trouble hiding our gleeful experience of wag, which opened this past Thursday as part of the Magnetic North Theatre Festival in […]