Matt Dodge

There’s an expression everyone gets taught when they’re children: two wrongs don’t make a right. On The Walking Dead, however, it seems like 47 wrongs do make a big sappy, tear-filled happy right. After three episodes with the lead character, Rick finally makes an appearance as he and Michonne make their way done the train […]

  Matt Dodge

Crazy Lizzie killed Mika so Carol shot her in the head. There. No burying the lead, no pontificating about the small details that highlight the degradation of society, no sarcastic nicknames. The Walking Dead is now show where kids kill kids and get shot in head. Remember when Zombie Sophia shuffled out of the barn […]

  Matt Dodge

This week on The Walking Dead, the splinter groups split up again, and everyone did a lot of walking, go figure. Beth and Daryl have kept trekking through the woods in search of shelter to replace the perfectly good house they burned down. This is the first time in ages that People’s Champion Daryl Dixon […]

  Matt Dodge

This week on The Walking Dead, it’s the Beth and Daryl Show! After splitting up the cast into smaller, geographically disparate groups, the show switches up the formula again  and focuses on only two characters for an entire hour.  When the audience last sea Beth and People’s Champion Daryl Dixon, they were huddled around the […]

  Matt Dodge

The Walking Dead has spread their cast of characters across the forests and suburbs of Georgia, and this week’s episode features fighting themselves, walkers, and just regular human jerkfaces. After letting Rick, Carl, and Michonne have last week off, this episode further develops their new family dynamic, and immediately tries to tear them apart. Rick […]

  Matt Dodge

After last week’s mid-season premiere focused on the trio of Rick, Carl, and Michonne, “Inmates” expands the focus to the other survivors of the prison while still experimenting with new forms of storytelling. It seems that the producers of the show might be taking a cue from “Game Of Thrones” by separating the cast into […]

  Matt Dodge

After the explosive attack on the prison by the Governor and his forces, The Walking Dead has returned to deal with the aftermath. The mid-season premier begins seconds after the final ended. The walls of the prison have been torn down and the zombies poured into the once secure community forcing the survivors to spread […]

  Matt Dodge

With a slice and a KA-boom, The Walking Dead has reached its mid-season finale as the Governor – er I mean One Eye – as he leads his army of people dumb enough to believe anything in an attack against the prison. But before the explosive hijinks ensue, we have to start with last week’s […]