Chelsea Dinsmore

Homewrecker, a new two-hander play by Daniel Pagett, raises questions about who is to blame for the end of a marriage; Is it the husband who cheated, the other woman who knows he is married and sleeps with him anyway, or some combination of the two? Recently divorced Craig (Blue Bigwood-Mallin) lures Veronica (Susannah Mackay), […]

  Lisa McKeown

Daniel Pagett’s new play Cloud is about connections both human and technological. The narrative traces two sets of people…

  Kelly Bedard

The latest production at the Storefront Theatre is a stop-and-go situation. There are long swaths where I struggled to stay engaged; meandering monologues from playwright Jason Maghanoy’s broad characters in a time and place surprisingly ill defined considering the seeming importance of time and place in Maghanoy’s underdeveloped story about an outlaw unsuccessfully hanged. It’s […]