Kelly Bedard

As many of you already know, Disney Canada has been nice enough this year to give us some extra copies of some of ABC’s most engrossing 2011-2012 shows on DVD and Blu-ray to share with you amazing readers. You’ve already had the opportunity to win Revenge Season One on DVD by answering “what’s your favourite serialized show?” then […]

  Kelly Bedard

I haven’t been this proud of the networks in a really long time. Not only does the notorious FOX seem determined to undercut its reputation as the least supportive network for intelligent programming (see their miraculous second season pickup for Dollhouse and the intense promotional power they’re putting behind Glee), but the alphabet network (ABC) […]

  Rachael Nisenkier

This week was the first week where Castle‘s episode was fun enough to justify my watching it. Before this, Nathan Fillion’s considerable charisma and my never ending support of the former Captain Malcolm Reynolds pulled me back. This week followed Becket and Castle as they tried to solve a five year old murder of a […]

  Kelly Bedard

With premiere time part 2 of the year getting under way, it’s about time that we here at My TV let you in on what we’re watching. *shows with an asterisk are Kelly’s most anticipated/favourites What We’re Watching (or at least taking for a test drive) * United States of Tara (Showtime, Sun 10:00) Created […]

Pilot Watch: Castle
  Rachael Nisenkier

I’ll admit it: I watched Castle entirely because Nathan “Tight Pants” Fillion stars. It certainly wasn’t because I was feeling a major lack of procedural crime dramas in my life. My Bones obsession not withstanding, I’m not really a huge fan of shows that center around a story-of-the-week murder. But let’s be honest, I’d probably […]