Growing up in the ‘70s, I, like most kids, had my addictive television programs – Lost in Space and Star Trek among them – which made it very easy to relate to Maggie Day, the perky narrator of The Further Adventures of … as she illustrates the time she spent watching her favorite childhood program: […]


Guns and those who flaunt them recklessly are hardly a laughing matter, yet guns are the subject of Dylan Lamb’s serious and seriously funny comic drama Ten Ways on a Gun, currently being presented at Theater for the New City in the East Village. An analysis of behind-the-scenes theater politics as well as the propensity […]

Full disclosure: I have not nor will I ever be a fan of scatological humor. Just not my cup of chili. That said, I highly recommend taking an hour out of your evening to dissect The Pumpkin Pie Show: Labor Pains, currently playing at Under St. Marks in the East Village as part of Frigid […]


One has to wonder what propels an artist to pursue one idea at the expense of another, a question you may find yourself asking if you see the play Selection Day, currently being performed by a game cast at Theatre 54 at Shetler Studios in Midtown. The playwright, Paul Buzinski, whose previous works include Madrid […]