Kelly Bedard

Nico Tortorella is the resident hot guy on TVLand’s winning comedy Younger. He’s cool, he’s charming, his character Josh owns a tattoo parlour called “Inkburg” and spends most of his time worrying that he falls in love too easily and fending off the advances of basically everyone in Brooklyn. Josh is sensitive and kind despite […]

  Kelly Bedard

Press Rooms aren’t as big a part of the ATX Television Festival as they are, say, San Diego Comic-Con. I did a fair number of 1:1 interviews with people who make TV, attended screenings of new shows and reunions of old casts and panels discussing everything from the impact of TGIF shows making their Hulu […]

  Kelly Bedard

Two shows hit TV this year that had a lot to say about Millenials. Both of these shows have creators and lead characters who reside firmly in Generation X, they just have thoughts and feelings about the younger folk that they really needed to share. The more annoying of the two is Happyish, a whiney […]