Ten Things I Definitely Don’t Hate
  Rachael Nisenkier

I was joking recently that the only thing I feel qualified to blog about lately is shows on ABC family. But here’s the thing… I REALLY like ABC Family shows. Every time I start off liking one semi-ironically, it ends with… well, long indulgent blog posts on why the show is so amazing.   So, […]

Think you have too much free time on your hands?
  Rachael Nisenkier

In other semi-embarassing TV-watching-related news, my once passing fascination with the TV show version of Ten Things I Hate About You has turned into full blown obsession. As the show moves into its second season, it’s gotten even better, wittier, and more engaging. The characters have deepened, their relationships finally gone past the movie, and […]

Confessions of a Post-Teen TV Queen
  Rachael Nisenkier

I have a confession to make. I am a sucker for teen television shows (not the confession yet). This is pretty obvious. I love Greek, and Gossip Girl, The OC and Dawson’s Creek are on constant DVD rotation, and I’m already set up to TIVO pretty much every new CW show. So… despite my inclinations […]

2 Big Things Invade Your TV
  Tim Collins

This past week I found myself needing to clean out the DVR box and as a result I finally got around to watching two new series premieres. Hung and 10 Things I Hate About You surprisingly left me with similar feelings. Mainly, the two shows were pretty horrible premieres in that they both served the […]