Peter Lowry

In the opinion of many people who know hockey, there isn’t a shadow of a doubt: Sidney Crosby is the best player in the NHL. Yet as long as there’s an instigator rule, you might as well put a bullseye on Sidney’s back rather than the number eighty-seven. Without anyone on the ice to physically […]

  Peter Lowry

According to CBS, being #1 isn’t good enough to warrant a renewal. There have been countless shows that I’ve loved watching that never made it past season one. Memories of watching some of these great shows get the axe way too early is enough to break this viewer’s heart. Some shows are cut off instantly […]

Every where I went, someone was making a big hoopla about the NFL’s new licensing contract with Nike that was going to kick in this year. A lot of my friends were eager to see the new football jerseys which were supposed to look similar to the trim, hard to grab uniforms that Nike had […]