Our My Theatre Performers of the Year are actors who stood out in multiple productions throughout 2011. There are so many great actors who do outstanding work across the board, specifically in repertory companies, that this year we decided to award PoYs at all three major rep companies in Ontario as well as in the Independent and Student categories.

Congratulations to this year’s Performers of the Year.

Mark Uhre (My Fair Lady, Maria Severa)*
Steven Sutcliffe (The Admirable Crichton, On the Rocks)

Tom Rooney (Twelfth Night, The Merry Wives of Windsor)
Evan Buliung (The Grapes of Wrath, The Little Years)
Bethany Jilliard (Richard III, The Little Years)

Oliver Dennis (The Odd Couple, Parfumerie)
Mike Ross (White Biting Dog, Parfumerie)**

Jessica Moss (Swoon, Long Dark Night)

Caroline Cleary (Julius Caesar, The Learned Ladies)
Matt Ketai (Fallujah, The Last Days of Judas Iscariot)
Marion Le Coguic (Fallujah, Hamlt)

*Mark Uhre was also excellent in the Acting Up Stage/ Studio 180 production of Jason Robert Brown’s Parade, though it wasn’t at the Shaw.

**Mike Ross also stood out as the most prosaically multi-talented at Young Centre events like The Global Cabaret Festival and The Word Festival.