In preparation for Heroes: Reborn, I wanted to watch the entire original series through. I’ll admit that I was a die-hard fan of season 1 but, like most people, gave up somewhere mid-season two. But with the resurgence of superhero stories, it felt like 2015 was the perfect time to bring back a show that […]

Heroes Season Three Review

I waited a couple of days after finishing Heroes to really let that finale sink in and to try and avoid hperbole. But before we dive into my review, let me just say, I am unintentionally ruining Heroes. Every time I write on this blog that I don’t want something to happen, it does. For […]

Heroes 101

I recently wrote some semi-nice things about Heroes. And I stand by them. All of them. Even the things that were nearly immediately contradicted by the show itself. I’m two episodes away from ending the season, and I’m really excited to see the finale. (Sylar’s episode ending “and nothing will ever be the same” gave […]

Rediscovering Heroes

Remember back in 2006? A simpler, more idealistic time. George W. Bush was still president. The top grossing film was Pirates of the Carribean. Twitter was something that one went “all a-“. And there was this brand new show, name of Heroes, that got so much buzz and good will that it seemed poised to […]