Bringing a historical figure to the stage can be difficult, mainly because there is never an inherent style or concept to pursue. That was the challenge Korean creators Seeun Choun and Jongyoon Choi took on with Marie Curie, now translated to English for its UK premiere, directed by Sarah Meadows. The result is a conventional, well-intentioned […]

Plays about memory work well when they are immersive and experiential – pulling you into the story, and evoking strong emotions. When crafted with additional finesse, they can even offer profound insight, leaving lasting impact. With Michael Batten’s Remembrance Monday, I was hoping for that something extra. It is a beautifully executed production, with committed […]

AI is a hot topic in contemporary theatre, but writers often stumble by relying heavily on dystopian motifs or portraying AI unrealistically as a mystical, all-knowing force. In his debut play Artificially Yours, Aaron Thakar (who also stars) avoids these pitfalls by grounding the story in a recognisable near-future, incorporating existing technological norms, and adopting a […]