No age is too young to start music lessons; what’s most important is your child is committed to practicing at home.


At around age 4, most children’s fingers are ready for piano lessons. String instruments, however, may require waiting until age 6 due tо their smaller size. Regardless оf the instrument you choose, consider enrolling your child іn a music school. This can provide a structured learning environment with experienced instructors who can help them develop a love оf music and proper technique for continued success and enjoyment. Most importantly, keep learning fun! It’s the key tо their musical journey.


Age 3 – 5

Young children often express an inherent fascination for music that can easily be channeled into group classes or home activities. By age three, children become capable of sitting still for longer lessons as well as understanding and remembering more complex information.

At this age range, students may select any instrument that appeals to them. Suzuki-trained teachers will use a play-first, read-notes-later approach; and some even offer rock band programs that introduce children quickly to simple Popular Tunes on guitar, drums or piano.

However, if your child is not yet interested in learning an instrument at this point, it would be best to wait. Pushing them into learning when they aren’t ready can cause them to quickly lose interest and even resent their lessons; studies have even indicated that forcing children into learning an instrument may actually reduce motivation to practice it! Rather, make sure your music lessons truly capture their interest before starting them!


Age 6 – 9

Children between these ages are ready for more formal music lessons and are capable of focusing longer. They can begin learning a range of instruments depending on their interest, while band or orchestra classes might also interest them. Children have physical dexterity to play string and woodwind instruments but should wait to attempt wind instruments until all their permanent teeth have emerged (as these pressure instruments could harm baby teeth).

At this age, children tend to want to practice more frequently at home on their own; however, parents still play an integral role in encouraging and supporting this commitment. Children may require reminders or pushing to make practice effective and productive; teachers use various techniques like setting small achievable goals, playing practice games or adapting lesson plans accordingly to keep students engaged and motivated – starting out on piano or keyboard may help develop fine motor skills more efficiently than starting on other instruments.


Age 10 – 12

Children at this age range have greater focus and manual dexterity, making them easier to work with. Furthermore, their attention span is longer and they understand the musical nuances associated with note reading and rhythm more readily than previously.

Music teachers use various teaching strategies to keep children engaged in lessons, such as setting small goals that build confidence, playing practice games and adapting lesson plans according to each child’s ability. Though finding teachers who will instruct such young children may be harder, some do exist and should not be underestimated.

Learning an instrument offers many benefits for children of any age; the ideal time is whenever they show interest. Music helps build creativity, communication skills, discipline and self-esteem – something your children may take pleasure from for many years after beginning lessons! Adults too can make this lifelong investment in themselves through music.


Age 13 – 15

At this age, children can begin focusing and developing enough dexterity to begin playing instruments, although not everyone may be ready for a five-day practice schedule at such an early stage. Most kids this age would benefit from music lessons.

Group music classes for children this age are a fantastic way to foster an early interest and solid foundation for music appreciation. Merit’s early childhood class, Rock City, provides the ideal environment for instrument exploration as well as storytelling.

Find a teacher experienced with teaching children of this age group, who will be flexible in trying different teaching methods based on your child’s individual needs. Suzuki-trained instructors tend to adopt the play-first, learn-later approach; there are also traditional instructors who emphasize note reading as their main teaching methodology with this age bracket.