You are sitting in your room and making no advances to your future, and then sulkiness and depression will soon be your close friends.


So, it is high time that you get up and do something!


A great idea would be to publish your own book online. Yes, it might sound like a pipe dream right now. How can you earn with just a book published over the internet and expect people to read it?


This is what we are here for. In this excerpt below, we will be talking about how to publish your own book online. The best part is if you can get somewhat of some fame, you can save up to publish that book in printed form.


There are no literary agents or publishers you need to reach out to. With digital marketing expanding like this, you will have enough opportunities to advertise. So, get up, read, and get to work!


If earning money is what you are worried about, then along with publishing your book, you can try out other investment options. One such opinion would be to trade in Cryptocurrency; use the trsler app to start trading today. 


How To Self Publish Your Book

Here is how you can publish your own book online.


1. Write The Book!

The first task is all on you! If you are confident about being a wordsmith, you must have some idea looming in your head. Rather than lying in your bed for hours on end, get up; open your laptop, and give words to that idea.


This is the most difficult task of the journey, and the more quickly you finish it, the closer you are to having a self-published book. Sometimes it will be so tiring, and you will be so irritated reading your own book that you would want to give up.


But you cannot give up!


2. Edit! Edit! Edit!

Now that you have the first draft ready, the technical part comes in. Remember, there is no one professional who is helping you with this. Yes, you can ask someone to read your book or get some advice here and there, but at the end of the day, it is upon you.


So, ensure that you are editing the book until a perfect copy is standing in front of you.


3. A Cover Is Still Important

You might think that since the book is not being published on paper, there is no need to make an attractive cover. The harsh truth is that even if it is online, people will still judge the book by its cover.


So, when you are fairly confident with the writing part, begin with designing an impressive cover. You can take help if required, but get a compelling cover ready. 


4. Write The Metadata

Metadata is all that is not inside the book. This means all the technical details, which will include the title, the name of the author, any subtitle, the price and the author’s note. 


5. Describe The Book

Maybe one day, you will fulfill the dream of seeing your book on a physical cover where the book description is sprawled in a beautiful font on the back. But that doesn’t mean you cannot have a book description.


Your book description is very important because every potential reader will get more attracted to the book.


6. A Last Editing

Now that everything is sought, it is time to give your book one final read. This is when you will be reading the book just like a reader yourself; get into the minds of your potential reader and critically read it (do not go overboard). 


You can also give the copy to others and get their first-hand opinion.

7. Publish

Look for a domain from which you can make money by selling your ebooks. There are many platforms where you can even sell your fanfictions.


Fanfictions are great to start with as you will get more interested readers. 

Get To Work!

Now that you know, it is time to get up and open that laptop. If you are serious about it, then you have been determined.


Go take a shower, sit down with a tall cup of coffee, and type away!