The summer will soon be upon us and that means many things. It’s baseball season, Dream in High Park starts (relatively) soon, al fresco dining is back within the realm of possibility. But most important of all, it means the start of a new season at The Stratford Shakespeare Festival, my personal favourite destination for theatre in the whole world. I’m hoping to see every play on their roster this summer and my annual Stratford weekend with fellow My Theatre writer Tessa is already in the works. This year’s season is as follows:

The Tempest
As You Like It
The Winter’s Tale
Two Gentlemen of Verona
Peter Pan
Dangerous Liaisons
Do Not Go Gentle
King of Thieves
Jaques Brel is a Alive and Well and Living in Paris
For the Pleasure of Seeing Her Again
Kiss Me Kate

Click Here to watch an excellent ad for festival student discounts that shows you everything I love about Ontario. It starts in Toronto and takes you to Stratford where you see the theatre store, balzac’s cafe, foster’s inn and the famed festival theatre- the greatest place on earth.