Hey My TV Fans,
Today we’re introducing a new writer to the site. With a review of Chuck‘s 3rd season so far, here’s Tessa Cernik:

Chuck is back and the same as ever. Not to say that that’s necessarily a bad thing. In fact, considering the current state of NBC, it might be nice to see a little stability over on the peacock network. But then again, wasn’t it change we were promised? The end of season two brought great opportunities for Chuck to change it up: our hero got updated with a new kung fu-loaded intersect, he quit the Buy More, he was asked to be a real spy, his relationship with Sarah was about to take off – everything seemed dandy and full of possibility. But this season’s premiere was a very explicit “Just kidding!”

Don’t get me wrong, I love the Buy More and all its crazy characters; Jeffster and Big Mike give great comic relief to Chuck’s more dramatic love/family plots. But I was excited to see what the writers would do with a hero freed of the Nerd Herd cover. Having Chuck on missions in other locations with a constantly changing cover could have been really fun, especially with his newly acquired skills.

However, the writers clearly chose familiar characters over new experiences, which, I suppose, is comforting to a certain degree. It was nice to see Morgan back, but did he really have to fail as a chef? Was it necessary to have Big Mike promoted to take his old job as store manager? Do Sarah and Casey still have to be Chuck’s handlers?

Chuck’s relationships with his friends and family really are the heart of the show. Nothing could be better than seeing the perfect brother/sister dynamic between Ellie and Chuck (does that really exist?!) and having Captain Awesome in on Chuck’s secret adds a really fun new level to their relationship. Devon has already had two “spy missions” this season which threw Chuck’s spying abilities into a new perspective, especially when they play up Devon and Chuck’s physical disparities.

It is troubling though to see Sarah and Chuck fall into the trap of the job/love conundrum. It’s been clear for years that both characters love and care for each other and want to be together, but work will always be the third party in their relationship. Hopefully the writers will be able to avoid the Booth/Bones-awkwardly-drawn-out-love-story bit. Well, avoid it from now on I mean. Maybe the addition of Kristin Kreuk to the sexual tension soup will allow for feelings to finally be acted upon, because, really, who doesn’t want to see Chuck in a relationship?

Overall, Chuck continues to be true to the nerdy charm and comic energy that’s been its bread and butter for 2 seasons already. But the possibility of this amazing show falling into a rut looms ever closer. Character development really is just as important as character continuity. Let’s move forward people.