and for that matter. beautiful Hilda, beautiful Daniel, beautiful Justin, beautiful Mark, Christina, Claire, Alexis, Amanda, Wilhemina, Bradford, Santos and beautiful Henry. This show is just beautiful.
The revelation of Alexis’ memory lapse made me gasp out loud (I’m sure my floor mates think I’m nuts), I almost started to cry when it was revealed that all of Hilda’s scenes had been imagined (I thought he was dead at the end of last season but fell for the trick in this premier). I knew Henry would come back (if you have Christopher Gorham you USE Christopher Gorham. Ive loved him ever since he was Harrison on Popular and it simply is not an option to see him as little as we saw him this episode. He’ll be given a lot more screen time in upcoming episodes Im sure. He’s prince charming). Whilhemina I don’t think will marry Bradford- something will get in the way, Claire perhaps.
I adore this show. its happy and sweet and not devoid of artistic or comedic merit which so many things that are hailed as “happy and sweet” are. Its simply wonderful. And while American Ferrera is perhaps one of the actual most beautiful people in the world, may I just ask: “when is Betty getting those braces off?” though already she looks less dumpy than she did in the beginning– I say get it off Amanda and give Betty back her fat suit. Also: I adore the Betty-Daniel dynamic and Hilda is one of the most underrated characters on TV- her material in the second season premier was almost as good as Sandra Oh’s in the season 3 finale of Greys. And let us not forget when the entire continent descended into tears in last year’s finale when Hilda collapsed on the floor while a little girl sang “Somewhere” to her son who was pretending to die onstage. SPECTACULAR.
The Betty people do burn story very quickly but their episodes are so well crafted that I have every belief that they will always find something more to explore.