There is a myth out there that playing video games is a solitary affair. This is an especially pernicious myth when it comes to online games. People think that their only friends are ones they have made online and necessarily live on the other side of the globe.
But that is not true at all! Playing online video games with your friends is actually a great way to bring you closer to people who are already near and dear to you. In fact, many online games are restricted by country, making this even more feasible.
A Greater Need During These Times
While making friends online has been a nice possibility for many years, this became even more important since the start of the recent pandemic. During the pandemic it was harder to meet up with our friends in the physical world, so a whole ecosystem of games to play during covid times has sprung up.
Whether you are playing board games among your bubble, or looking to stay connected with friends whom you cannot see as often as you would like, having a few games up your sleeve and ready to play is a great idea. While this is always true, during these times, it is even more so.
What all of these games will have in common is their ability to bring us together. Whether it is physically, or in digital community, this is a great way to get through tough times. Once we know that we want to have some of them ready, we then need to find them. Here are some tips to figuring out which games would be best for you and your friends, as well as some real examples of great options.
Get Some Advice
Before going on any old site and trying a game at random, it is best to get some advice. There are some different sources for this type of advice, and the different sources will serve different purposes. For example, experts can help you make sure the websites that hosts the games are secure and trustworthy sites.
For example, read this guide to find the best real money slots in Canada. They will make sure the sites are legitimate and have reasonable odds where you can make real money. They also take into account the different bonuses and the quality of their customer service options when making their recommendations. You can even find tips on how to win big in this guide!
Our friends are another important source of advice. They will not have the same insights as the experts, but they will offer others. For example, maybe they are already deep into their favorite game, and they can simply recommend one for you to join. This could be the simplest way to start playing a game with your friends. It is also a way to know if you and your friend will have similar tastes when it comes to online games.
Decide How Much You Want to Invest
With so many gaming options out there, an important question to ask yourself and your friend is how much time you want to invest in this project. There are plenty of easy games that you can pick up easily. Other may require quite a bit of time.
If you end up deciding that you have a lot of time to dedicate to online gaming, then you can even make a career out of it. eSports have grown significantly over the last ten years, and eSports started to take off even more during the pandemic.
Some Examples of Games to Play Online With Your Friends
Here are some concrete example of games you can play online with your friends. One easy game to play with your friends online is chess. There are lots of sites where you can get this set up easily. Plus, learning the basics is easy, so in general, the barriers to joining are very low.
Other great options are massively multiplayer online role playing games. These include Oblivion and World of Warcraft as classic examples. These games will be harder to get signed up for, as they are larger and complicated games. but the storyline and level of interaction may just be worth it.